Amant’s Floor Care Celebrates 53 Years of Business

Amant’s Floor Care Celebrates 53 Years of Business and is now owned and managed by the second generation.

St. Louis, MO (FloorCleaningStLouis) Amant’s Floor Care is proud to announce that we recently celebrated our 53rd year of business.

Our family-owned business was founded by Steven Amant in 1969 and was focused on carpet cleaning.  Today, his son, Kevin Amant, owns and manages the company and has expanded our services to include:

Amant’s provide services to some of the most prestigious properties in the St. Louis region, including banks, casinos, government buildings, and more.

A significant factor to our longevity in business is our high customer satisfaction.  We guarantee satisfaction and use best practices to ensure that our customers are satisfied.

Our best practices include employing highly qualified and trained technicians.  Our employees have worked for Amant’s on average of 25 years or more.  Additionally, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment to ensure our technicians provide the best results.

Additionally, we are proud of being selected as one of the best top carpet cleaning companies in St. Louis by for 2021.

We want to express our sincere appreciation for our customers, friends, and family’s loyal support that are the reasons for our success.

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